Sunday, June 10, 2012

Africa is calling...

Hello!  It's been a long time since I posted anything and I apologize for that.  My extended family has been through a lot recently.  Last week Jay and Katrina Erickson died in a plane crash while serving as missionaries in Zambia, Africa.  While they are not related to me they are the relatives of my other Erickson family and for them I was saddened.  However, as I am wont to do, I quickly passed by this incident as yet another tragic death in Africa.  I personally didn't know this couple and while I felt bad for their two orphaned girls I moved on with my life.  I am rather ashamed to say that it didn't really affect me too much.  It wasn't until today that it all sank it.  I think it was hearing that Jay and Katrina were the 8th and 9th Ericksons to sacrifice their lives serving in the continent of Africa.  I was astounded by the legacy my family has had.  As a missionary kid to Africa myself and a relative of some of those Ericksons who gave their lives, I understand the pull this continent has on my family.  Africa runs through our blood.  It is a part of our past and it is a part of who we are today.  I believe Africa will always be in our future, but only God knows His plans for the beautiful continent that keeps calling our names.

The following is something my cousin Micah Erickson wrote about the legacy of the Erickson family in Africa.  I found it very touching and heart warming.

I write this letter to raise awareness for two great needs: two little girls, a 3 and 1 yr. old have just been orphaned.  A mission hospital that fulfills a desperate need in rural Africa, has just lost its only airplane.

This weekend, Jay Erickson and his wife, Katrina, were killed in a small airplane crash in Zambia, Africa.  Jay was a missionary pilot transporting patients, medical personnel, and supplies to a small mission hospital named Chitokoloki Mission hospital.  Jay and Katrina were flying over the Zambezi River when, for reasons still under investigation, the plane crashed into the river.  Jay and Katrina leave behind 3 yr. old Marina and 1 yr. old Coral.  Both girls will be flown back to the United States, by their grandparents, where they will be raised by Jay’s only sister and her husband. 

You can read more about the details of this crash by just doing a search engine query with their names. 

The part of this story that is not being told is the rich heritage that Jay and Katrina Erickson represent.  They are the 8th and 9th Erickson to lose their lives in Africa.  8 Erickson families have served as missionaries in Africa, spanning 3 generations, dating back over 80 years.  Jay and Katrina are the first of their generation to continue the work of the Lord, serving as missionaries in Africa.  Many other Ericksons have served or are currently serving in other countries around the world.  In fact, Jay’s only brother, Lance, is currently raising financial support to begin his service as a missionary pilot in Bolivia.

Jay grew up in Cameroun Africa, where his parents (Cam and Barbara Erickson) also served as missionaries.  Owan and Doreen Erickson (Cam’s brother) and their three children were involved in a tragic vehicle collision on July 1, 1985.  This crash took the lives of Owan, Doreen and their 2 yr. old son, Timothy.  Cam’s two nieces, Rhonda and Kjirsti, survived and were sent back to the United States where they were raised by their uncle and aunt.

On May 16, 1978, Ernest and Miriam Erickson (Cam’s uncle and aunt) were murdered in Yagoua, Cameroun.  This horrific incident left an indelible mark on the Erickson family, but ultimately led to the salvation of many Africans.

On October 27, 1959, Martha Erickson (Ernest and Miriam’s daughter-and Cam’s cousin) died from yellow fever.  Martha was in her early teens and much loved by the locals.  A hospital in Yagoua, Cameroun is still named after her.

On September 4, 1930, David Erickson, the newborn son of Odin and Jewel Erickson was taken home to the Lord after only 2 days of life in Ndjamena, Chad.

Very few families pass on any sort of passion from one generation to the next much less a passion for a continent, for a people; a people not of their own blood. Yet each Erickson generation has returned to carry on the ministry. Jay and Katrina Erickson are the third generation to give their lives to Africa. It is no exaggeration to say that the spiritual face of the entire continent of Africa has been impacted through the presence of this family. Countless Africans can trace their eternal lives back to an Erickson. 

As you see, the loss of Jay and Katrina Erickson has profoundly impacted the Erickson family, especially Cam and Barbara Erickson. 

1)      I am requesting you prayerfully consider helping out young Marina and Coral and their future as they will be raised by their uncle and aunt.  You can make checks payable to “Cam Erickson” and mail them to:
Erick Erickson
1195 8th Dr.
Mukilteo, WA 98275

2)     The second immediate need, is the loss of the only airplane Chitokoloki Mission Hospital owned.  This airplane is a crucial necessity to the survival of those who live in remote areas of the country, and countless lives depended on it.  You can contact Gordon Hanna (the director) at the following addresses:
Chitokoloki Mission Hospital
Box 50,
Zambezi, Zambia
Phone:      260 977 539815
3)     The third and last need is the support of Jay’s brother and sister in law, Lance and Caroline Erickson.  Lance is also a pilot and has joined SAMAIR.  Lance and Caroline, once their support is raised, will move to Bolivia, where they will essentially perform the same duties Jay and Katrina were performing in Africa.  You can help support them by contacting:
1021 Maxwell Mill Road, Suite B 
Fort Mill, SC 29708
Please be sure to make check out to "South America Mission" and include a note stating that it is for Lance & Caroline Erickson's ministry, account # 10451

1 comment:

  1. thanks for posting! I'm glad that you are back in the blog world again!
